Version History - HttpWatch 15.x

Version 15.0.6 - 8 Jul 2024

  • Fixed: HAR files containing invalid URLs could not be loaded
  • Fixed: A crash could occur when removing a column from the main grid
  • Fixed: A 'RID not found' error could occur

Version 15.0.5 - 11 Mar 2024

  • Fixed: A 'Type must be number' error could occur when recording in Edge
  • Update: Chrome and Edge CRX files in the HttpWatch install directory have been updated

Version 15.0.4 - 11 Mar 2024

  • New: The Cookie tab now shows all cookie attributes (e.g. path, domain etc) for sent cookies as well as received cookies
  • New: Blocked cookies are now shown on the Cooke tab and can be optionally hidden using the 'Show blocked cookies' check box
  • New; The Blocked column on the Cookie tabs shows the reasons why a cookie was blocked by the browser
  • New: Warnings HW3007 and HW3008 were added to show when request and response cookies were blocked
  • New: Automatic formatting now available for JavaScript, CSS, XML and HTMLcontent
  • New: Supports file names longer than 256 characters allowing HWL files to be opened from deeply nested directories on file shares
  • Improved: Browser and HttpWatch Studio windows are now closed without user interaction during silent installs
  • Improved; Faster UI performance when scrolling through text or large lists of requests
  • Changed: Removed support for Internet Explorer
  • Changed: HttpWatch Studio can no longer open HWL files from HttpWatch version 10 and earlier
  • Changed; HttpWatch Studio can no longer open HWL files saved from Internet Explorer
  • Changed: Requires Windows 10 or later on desktop PCs and Windows Server 2016 or later on servers
  • Changed: Requires Chrome and Edge version 103 or later
  • Changed: The Chrome and Edge extensions now user manifest version 3
  • Changed: Added BlockReasons property to Cookie automation class
  • Changed: Removed Source property from Cookie automation class

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